- It never uses an independent equipment if it will not have the appropriate training, this can cause serious risks its health.
- It always looks a center of credential diving for the recognized certifiers in the world (PADI, NAUI, IANTD, ANDI, CMAS, SSI), only dives with the due training offered for schools of diving with duly credential professionals.
- When contracting a service of diving, either it course, baptism or go out with credential divers are certain of that its guide credential and is qualified for such function. It demands the certification of its guide, this must be credential as guide of diving or instructor.
- In its certification he had appeared Dive Master with its photo and the record number or will be instructor, Instructor, with photo and record number.
Note the number of certification of your guide if you need further proof.
For the case of the PADI, it has access www.padibr.com.br or www.padi.com. - In case of emergency call for 192 SAMU or 193 Firemen.
- If you are an accredited diver your dives will be even safer if the care plan DAN, www.danbrasil.org.br